Financial Support Navigator
The main objective of the financial assistance is to support the financing of energy resilience investments by micro and small enterprises (MSES) from the regions most affected by the destruction of energy infrastructure by providing 80 grants of EUR 10,000 to micro enterprises and 42 grants of EUR 20,000 to small enterprises, combined with a bank loan.
Investments in the energy sustainability of MSEs are defined as the following measures:
The program for enterprises will be implemented in two components:
Component I: micro-entrepreneurs will be provided with grants of up to EUR 10,000 in the hryvnia equivalent to finance Energy Resilience Investments.
Component II: grants will be provided to small businesses in the amount of up to EUR 20,000 in UAH equivalent, combined with a bank loan to strengthen the sustainability of economic activities (grant share is 40% of the bank loan amount)/
Priority for participation in the Program will be given to SMES that are registered and operate within the following distribution of groups of regions (where group 1 has the highest priority and group 3 the lowest):
Micro and small enterprises are granted funds to finance the cost of purchasing goods, works, and services, excluding value added tax (VAT), which must be paid at the expense of the entrepreneur’s own funds.
Which entrepreneurs can participate in the Program:
Financial support is provided through four authorized banks: Oschadbank, Bank Lviv, Ukrgasbank, and Sens Bank.
How to participate:
The project “Support to Energy Sustainability of Micro and Small Enterprises in Ukraine” is implemented within the framework of the ReACT4UA program (“Application and Implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the field of trade”). The international cooperation program is co-funded by the German Government and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).