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A success story: YAGOPAK LLC

The SME Investment Project Financing Support Program, implemented by the Business Development Fund with the support of the German Government through KfW and the European Union under the EU4Business initiative, continues to help businesses.

So we are sharing the success stories of companies and entrepreneurs who have already participated in the program. Among them is YAGOPAK LLC, a company from Kyiv region that has been manufacturing paper products for markets, restaurants, shops, cafes, and coffee shops for almost 10 years. And paper bags for coal from Yagopak LLC are supplied not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe and the world.

“I can promote the company’s name further, but we have stopped developing for only one reason: we cannot develop without new equipment. We need help, we need additional credit,” says Volodymyr Chekan, director.

The company prepared and applied for an investment project through Kredobank and soon purchased a six-color Flex machine for a total of $160,000.

“The equipment arrived completely ready. These are the conditions of a real European loan with an interest rate that everyone has been dreaming of for years. And thanks to the combination with the state program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%”, we managed to reduce the interest rate to 5%. If you have a clear calculation that the purchase of equipment will allow you to either cover the loan and earn extra money, or pay off the investment and develop, then why not? Everything has to live, everything has to work, taxes have to be paid.”